Chapter 13 | Web page designing with HTML


Write a very short answer to the following question.

a. When did Tim Berners Lee created the first web page?
Ans: The first web page was created on August 6, 1991.
b. Is HTML programming language?

Ans: HTML is not a programming language it is a markup language.
c) PHP is a Web development software. Do you agree?

Ans: Yes, PHP is a Web development software.
d) IN which languages the dynamic web pages are written?

Ans: The dynamic web pages are written in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
e) Which text editor you use while writing HTML codes?

Ans: We use Notepad while writing HTML code.
f) Can you use space at the beginning or middle of the tags?

Ans: Yes, you can use space at the beginning or middle of the tags.
g) What is the background color of the web page by default?

Ans: The background color of the web page by default is white.
h) Which tag is used to scroll the text across the web page?

Ans: The <marquee> tag is used to scroll the text across the web page.

Write a short answer to the following questions:

a) List any two software used to create a web page.

Ans: Adobe Dreamweaver and Microsoft FrontPage are two software programs that can be used to create a web page.
b) Differentiate between static and dynamic web pages?

Ans: Static web pages are those that are written in HTML and do not change. Dynamic web pages are those that are written in a programming language and can change based on user input or other factors.

c. Write any four formatting tags used in HTML document?

Ans: Any four formatting tags used in HTML document are:

  • <i> to make text italic
  • <u> to make text underline
  • <b> to make text bold
  • <SUP> to make in superscript

d. What is the use of <TITLE> and <Head> tag?

Ans: <TITLE> tag is used inside the head tag to keep the title of the document on the browser's window.

<Head> tag is used to shows the starting of head section and it us used to put some information about HTML document.

e. What is hyperlink? How can you create hyperlink in the webpage?

Ans: A hyperlink is a reference to another web page or resource. we can create it in HTML using the <a> (anchor) tag: example

<a href="">Visit our website </a>

f. What is table? Which tag is used to insert row and data in the table?

Ans: A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns. In HTML, the <table> tag is used to create tables. To insert a row, you use the <tr> (table row) tag, and to insert data in a row, you use the <td> (table data) tag. For headers, you use <th> (table header) within the <tr> tag.

Write long answer of the following questions:

a. What is webpage? Why is webpage designing important these days?

Ans: A webpage is a digital document on the internet. Designing it well is vital today because it shapes user experience. A well-designed webpage ensures easy navigation, readability, and accessibility, enhancing user satisfaction. In an era where online presence is integral to businesses and communication, a thoughtfully crafted webpage boosts credibility, engages visitors, and facilitates efficient information delivery. It optimizes for various devices, accommodating diverse user preferences. Ultimately, effective webpage design is the key to delivering information seamlessly, fostering user trust, and achieving success in the dynamic landscape of the digital world.

b. Describe the role of HTML for creative attractive web pages with its features.

Ans: HTML is the backbone of a web page. It organizes and structures content like text, images, and links. While HTML itself doesn't make things look pretty, it provides the foundation for designers to add styles (with CSS) and interactivity (with JavaScript), making the page creative and attractive.

The features of HTML are:

  • ·        HTML is easy and simple to use.
  • ·        HTML supports controls and navigates to read long document easily.
  • ·        HTML supported by different text editor like Notepad, wordpad etc.
  • ·        HTML document can be executed in all types of web browser.
  • ·        HTML support different hyperlink and image formats.

c. Discuss the type of HTML tags and attributes with their rule to follow.

Ans:  HTML elements enclosed in < >, like <p>, used to define the structure and content of a webpage called tags.

Properties inside a tag (e.g., href="url") that provide additional information about the element called attributes.

HTML tags and attributes with their rule are given below


  • ·        Must be properly nested (e.g., <b><i>text</i></b>).
  • ·        Some are self-closing (e.g., <img>, <br>).
  • ·        Use semantic tags (e.g., <header>, <footer>) for meaning.


  • ·        Always in name="value" format (e.g., href="url").
  • ·        Must be relevant to the tag (e.g., src for <img>).

General Rules

  • ·        Use <html> as the root, with <head> and <body> inside.
  • ·        Avoid deprecated tags (e.g., <center>, <font>).
  • ·        Validate with tools (like W3C Validator) for correct structure.

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