First Terminal Examination- Modal Question -7


Class: 7                     Subject: Computer             Full Mark: 50

Write a very short answer the following questions.  1x10=10

1.     Which unit of computer is used to process data?

2.     Why computer is called versatile machine?

3.     Who was Dr Herman Hollerith?

4.     Which is the first computer brought in Nepal?

5.     Which company introduced the first minicomputer in 1960?

6.     What is the main purpose of folder?

7.     Write one example of system software.

8.     Write the icon of full justification (alignment).

9.     What is the function of ctrl + V?

10. What is the full form of SSD?

Write short answer of the following questions. 4x7=28

11.  Differentiated between RAM and ROM.

12.  What is Microsoft windows operating system?

13.    What are the different methods of selecting text by using mouse?

14.  What is a mini computer? Write the use of mini computers.

15.  Why is computer called an information processing machine?

16.   Write down the proper steps to insert a picture in MS Word 2016.

17.   Prepare a chart to show the classification of digital computer.

Write long answers to the following questions. 6x2=12

18.Write the difference between third and fourth generation computers.

19.   Where is SSD used? What are the most popular uses for QR codes?                                       ****

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