First Terminal Examination- Modal Question -8

Set: 2


Class: 8                       Subject: Computer                        Full Mark: 50

Write a very short answer the following questions.  1x10=10

1.      From which word of Latin language, the word computer is derived?

2.      When was abacus developed?

3.      How many vacuum tubes were consisted in ENIAC?

4.      Who was John Napier?

5.      Write one example of second generation computer?

6.      What was the duration of first generation computer?

7.      Which is a portable storage device these days?

8.      Which command is used to modify DOS text file.

9.      When did Microsoft released MS-Word 2016?

10. What is the full form of QR Scanner?

Write short answer of the following questions. 4x7=28

11. What is computer? How is it used in banking sector?

12. Who is known as first programmer? Why is Charles Babbage known as father of computer science?

13. What are the new expectations in the fifth generation computers?

14. Distinguish between soft copy output and hard copy output.

15. What is language processor? Write its type.

16. Write down the proper steps to print the document.

17. Write the short note on: i) Firmware  ii) Artificial Intelligence

Write long answers to the following questions. 6x2=12

18. Differentiate between general purpose computer and special purpose computers with suitable examples.

19. Explain the different types of hardware devices that make computer system.


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