First Terminal Examination- Modal Question -8


Class: 8                                Subject: Computer                           Full Mark: 50

Write a very short answer the following questions.  1x10=10

1.      How is speed of computer measured?

2.      Which university did Howard Aiken belong to?

3.      Who is considered as the father of computer science?

4.      Who invented vacuum tube?

5.      Write one example of fifth generation computer?

6.      Can we use super computer at our homes?

7.      Which memory is volatile RAM or ROM?

8.      When was Windows 8 release for general?

9.      Write one example of GUI operating system besides Windows.

10. Can we design excel chart in Ms-word?

Write short answer of the following questions. 4x7=28

11. Write four features of Ms-Word?

12. Write four functions of an operating system.

13. What is primary memory? Lists its major types.

14. Distinguish between analog and digital computers.

15. Write any four limitations of first generation computers.

16. Write four features of Mark-I.

17. How is computer used in banking and shopping?

Write long answers to the following questions. 6x2=12

18. Explain the working principle of the computer with a clear diagram.

19. Describe the history of computer in Nepal in your own words.



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